No Matches
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 applications.hFunctions to initialize, configure and manage application entrypoints
 applications.hppFunctions to initialize, configure and manage application entrypoints
 arrays.hArrays and other linear sequential type fields
 arrays.hppArrays and other linear sequential type field
 atomics.hAtomic integer and pointer operations
 atomics.hppAtomic integer and pointer operations
 blobs.hBLOB (binary large objects) handling
 blobs.hppBinary large objects (BLOB) types
 callstacks.hCallstack tracing and debugging features
 callstacks.hppCallstack backtrace and forking
 comparers.hGeneric type comparer functions for basic data types
 comparers.hppGeneric type comparer functions for basic data types
 console.hConsole stream interface and utility functions
 console.hppConsole stream and utilities
 coroutines.hSupport for coroutines
 coroutines.hppSupport for coroutine sessions
 debugging.hAssertion and tracing debugging functions and macros
 delegates.hGeneric encapsulation of callbacks for functions and objects
 delegates.hppGeneric encapsulation of callbacks for functions and objects
 directories.hAbstract interface for directory providers
 directories.hppGeneric encapsulation of callbacks for functions and objects
 enumerators.hEnumerator objects allow to walk through a set of elements
 enumerators.hppEnumerator objects allow to walk through a set of elements
 environments.hEnvironment variables and system specific defaults
 environments.hppEnvironment variables and system specific defaults
 exceptions.hppC++ exception base classes and utilities
 files.hFile and directory access functions
 files.hppFile and directory access functions
 functional.hppFunction invocation utilities
 functions.hGeneric function invocation utilities
 functions.hppFunction invocation utilities
 gate_core_api.hDefines API specific macros for all GATE Core Library functions
 gate_core_api.hppDefines API specific macros for all GATE Core C++ library functions
 gate_sharedlib.hAbstraction utilities for system specific shared library environment
 gatemain.hAbstraction utilities for system specific component entrypoints
 gatetypes.hBasic type definitions
 gatetypes.hppBasic gate namespace typedefs and utility interfaces
 geopositions.hGeo positions and transformations
 geopositions.hppGeo positions and transformations
 guids.hGUID structure and generation
 guids.hppGUID structure and generation
 handles.hHandle store to pack native types into a generic structure
 hashes.hDefines a standard to generate hashcodes for generic and typed data
 hashes.hppDefines a standard to generate hashcodes for generic and typed data
 hashmaps.hppHashcode based unsorted maps
 inputs.hDefines data types and values for input devices like keyboards and pointers (mouse)
 inputs.hppInput device datatypes
 lambdas.hppC++ lambda expression compatibility layer
 libraries.hControls access to shared libraries (DLL or SO)
 libraries.hppControls access to shared libraries (DLL or SO)
 maps.hAssociative fields to map and resolve key entries to values
 maps.hppAssociative fields to map and resolve key entries to values
 mathematics.hBasic arithmetic utilities optimized for GATE types
 mathematics.hppBasic arithmetic utilities optimized for GATE types
 memalloc.hMemory allocation and type construction/destruction functions
 memalloc.hppMemory allocation and type construction/destruction functions
 numbers.hppNumber encapsulation and numeric attribute combines
 objects.hC object class definition functions and macros
 objects.hppObject interface wrappers, utilities and implementations
 platforms.hPlatform support functions to access system specific features
 processes.hSystem process access and management functions
 processes.hppSystem process management
 properties.hSimplified hierarchical property storage
 properties.hppGeneric property encapsulation objects
 queues.hTask execution queue interfaces
 queues.hppQueue interfaces and queue implementation utilities
 randomgen.hRandom number generation
 randomgen.hppRandom number generators
 regexpressions.hRegular expression parsing
 regexpressions.hppRegular expressions
 results.hStatus, result and error code definitions
 results.hppGATE result enum codes
 runnables.hEncapsulation of executable codes by runnable interface
 runnables.hppRunnable interface generators
 serializers.hStandard byte serialization of basic data types
 streams.hBasic byte stream interfaces
 streams.hppStream interfaces and generic stream implementations
 strings.hString management, UTF conversion and basic text parsing functions
 strings.hppStrings and text primitives
 struct_pack_begin.hCompiler-independent macros to introduce byte-aligned struct-packing
 struct_pack_end.hCompiler-independent macros to stop byte-aligned struct-packing
 structs.hGeneric data-struct management and reflection
 structs.hppStructure serialization
 synchronization.hThread synchronization primitives (mutexes, semaphores, events)
 synchronization.hppSynchronization primitives (mutex, semaphore, conditions, futures)
 tests.hMacros and functions to create unit tests
 tests.hppC++ unit test utilities
 threading.hNative thread management functions
 threading.hppThreads and Thread-related objects
 threadpools.hThread pool implementation
 threadpools.hppThread pools and asynchronous utilies
 times.hDate and time management and conversion functions
 times.hppTime and Timecounter
 typeids.hGATE type ID specifications
 typeids.hppC++ typeid to GATE typeid bridge
 typetraits.hppC++ type traits
 uris.hURI and URL parsing and creation functions
 uris.hppURI functions
 utilities.hMiscellaneous utilities and helper functions
 utilities.hppUtility functions
 values.hGATE based type encapsulation support
 values.hppStandard value encapsulation
 versioning.hSemantic versioning support functions
 wrappers.hNative data object wrapper interface
 wrappers.hppWrappers and smart pointer objects