applications.h File Reference

Functions to initialize, configure and manage application entrypoints. More...

#include "gate/gate_core_api.h"
#include "gate/gatetypes.h"
#include "gate/strings.h"
#include "gate/streams.h"


struct  gate_app_option_class
 Defines command line options. More...
struct  gate_app_class
 app class holding callbacks for different application execution states More...
struct  gate_appservice_class
 Service class that holds callbacks for different system service execution states. More...


#define GATE_APP_OPTION_TYPE_I32   2
#define GATE_APP_OPTION_TYPE_I64   3
#define GATE_APP_OPTION_INIT_STATIC(key, type, ptr_value, alias, name_value, description)
 Macro to initialize a static option definition with string tokens.


typedef struct gate_app_option_class gate_app_option_t
 Defines command line options.
typedef struct gate_app_class gate_app_t
 app class holding callbacks for different application execution states
typedef struct gate_appservice_class gate_appservice_t
 Service class that holds callbacks for different system service execution states.


GATE_CORE_API gate_size_t gate_app_parse_args (gate_string_t const *argline, gate_string_t *dest_args, gate_size_t max_dest_args)
 Parses a full line of arguments into an array of argument tokens.
GATE_CORE_API gate_size_t gate_app_parse_args_buffer (gate_string_t const *argline, char *buffer, size_t buffer_len, char const **dest_args, gate_size_t max_dest_args)
 Parses a full line of arguments into an array of argument tokens.
GATE_CORE_API gate_size_t gate_app_options_parse (gate_string_t const *input_args, gate_size_t input_arg_count, gate_app_option_t *output_options, gate_size_t output_option_count)
 Parses an array of string arguments and fills option_value targets as defined by their option types.
GATE_CORE_API gate_size_t gate_app_options_parse_strs (char const *const *input_args, gate_size_t input_arg_count, gate_app_option_t *output_options, gate_size_t output_option_count)
 Parses an array of c-string arguments and fills option_value targets as defined by their option types.
GATE_CORE_API gate_result_t gate_app_options_print (gate_app_option_t const *options, gate_size_t options_count, gate_stream_t *out_stream)
 Prints a list of all defined options.
GATE_CORE_API void gate_app_option_init (gate_app_option_t *opt, gate_string_t const *key, gate_enumint_t type, void *ptr_value, gate_string_t const *alias, gate_string_t const *name_value, gate_string_t const *description)
 Initializes an option definition with the given arguments.
GATE_CORE_API void gate_app_option_copy (gate_app_option_t *opt_dest, gate_app_option_t const *opt_src)
 Initializes an option definition by copying values of another option definition.
GATE_CORE_API void gate_app_option_release (gate_app_option_t *opt)
 Releases all acquired resources of an option definition.
GATE_CORE_API void gate_app_init (gate_app_t *app, gate_result_t(*init)(gate_app_t *app, char const *program, char const *const *arguments, gate_size_t argcount, gate_uintptr_t apphandle), gate_result_t(*run)(gate_app_t *app), gate_result_t(*on_signal)(gate_app_t *app, int appsignal))
 Initializes an app object with state callback functions.
GATE_CORE_API int gate_app_run (gate_app_t *app, char const *program, char const *const *arguments, gate_size_t argcount, gate_uintptr_t apphandle)
 perform default application execution on an initalized app object
GATE_CORE_API void gate_appservice_init (gate_appservice_t *service, gate_result_t(*init_cb)(gate_appservice_t *, char const *, char const *const *, gate_size_t, gate_uintptr_t), gate_result_t(*run_cb)(gate_appservice_t *), gate_result_t(*on_signal_cb)(gate_appservice_t *, int), gate_size_t(*get_servicename_cb)(gate_appservice_t *, char *, gate_size_t), gate_result_t(*on_start_cb)(gate_appservice_t *), gate_result_t(*on_stop_cb)(gate_appservice_t *), gate_result_t(*on_pause_cb)(gate_appservice_t *), gate_result_t(*on_continue_cb)(gate_appservice_t *), gate_result_t(*on_error_cb)(gate_appservice_t *, gate_result_t, gate_int32_t, char const *))
 Initializes an app service object with state callback functions.
GATE_CORE_API int gate_appservice_run (gate_appservice_t *appservice, char const *program, char const *const *arguments, gate_size_t argcount, gate_uintptr_t apphandle)
 perform default service execution on an initalized appservice object

Detailed Description

Functions to initialize, configure and manage application entrypoints.

Macro Definition Documentation


description )
{ \
type, \
ptr_value, \

Macro to initialize a static option definition with string tokens.

[in]keyC string containig option key.
[in]typetarget value type (see GATE_APP_OPTION_TYPE_*).
[in]ptr_valuepointer to target variable that receives parsed argument
[in]aliaspointer C string containing alternative option key
[in]name_valueC string containing a name of the option value
[in]descriptionC string containing description of option definition
C-struct initialization for gate_app_option_t variable



Option is an array of strings => (gate_arraylist_t[gate_string_t])



Option is a boolean value => (gate_bool_t*)


#define GATE_APP_OPTION_TYPE_I32   2

Option is a 32 bit integer => (gate_int32_t*)


#define GATE_APP_OPTION_TYPE_I64   3

Option is a 64 bit integer => (gate_int64_t*)



Option is a floating point value => (gate_real64_t*)



Option is a string => (gate_string_t*)



Option is a boolean switch, TRUE when present otherwise FALSE



received process cancelation signal



received system shutdown signal



received process termination signal

Function Documentation

◆ gate_app_init()

GATE_CORE_API void gate_app_init ( gate_app_t * app,
gate_result_t(*)(gate_app_t *app, char const *program, char const *const *arguments, gate_size_t argcount, gate_uintptr_t apphandle) init,
gate_result_t(*)(gate_app_t *app) run,
gate_result_t(*)(gate_app_t *app, int appsignal) on_signal )

Initializes an app object with state callback functions.

[in,out]apppointer to app object to be initialized
[in]initcallback to be invoked on startup to initialize global resources
[in]runcallback to execute main functionality of app
[in]on_signalcallback to receive external status signal (e.g. for termination)

◆ gate_app_option_copy()

GATE_CORE_API void gate_app_option_copy ( gate_app_option_t * opt_dest,
gate_app_option_t const * opt_src )

Initializes an option definition by copying values of another option definition.

[out]opt_destpointer to option definition to be initialized
[in]opt_srcoption key identifier

◆ gate_app_option_init()

GATE_CORE_API void gate_app_option_init ( gate_app_option_t * opt,
gate_string_t const * key,
gate_enumint_t type,
void * ptr_value,
gate_string_t const * alias,
gate_string_t const * name_value,
gate_string_t const * description )

Initializes an option definition with the given arguments.

[out]optpointer to option definition to be initialized
[in]keyoption key identifier
[in]typedata or behavior type of option (see GATE_APP_OPTION_TYPE_*)
[in]ptr_valuepointer to target variable to be filled with parsed option
[in]aliasalternative value for "key" to be matched
[in]name_valuename of option value for automatic help generation
[in]descriptiondescription of option for automatic help generation

◆ gate_app_option_release()

GATE_CORE_API void gate_app_option_release ( gate_app_option_t * opt)

Releases all acquired resources of an option definition.

[in,out]optpointer to option definition to be released

◆ gate_app_options_parse()

GATE_CORE_API gate_size_t gate_app_options_parse ( gate_string_t const * input_args,
gate_size_t input_arg_count,
gate_app_option_t * output_options,
gate_size_t output_option_count )

Parses an array of string arguments and fills option_value targets as defined by their option types.

[in]input_argspointer to first argument string in array
[in]input_arg_countamount of argument strings to be parsed
[in,out]output_optionspointer to first option definition in array
[in]output_option_countamount of option definitions to be matched
amount of arguments that where parsed into options

◆ gate_app_options_parse_strs()

GATE_CORE_API gate_size_t gate_app_options_parse_strs ( char const *const * input_args,
gate_size_t input_arg_count,
gate_app_option_t * output_options,
gate_size_t output_option_count )

Parses an array of c-string arguments and fills option_value targets as defined by their option types.

[in]input_argspointer to first argument c-string in array
[in]input_arg_countamount of argument strings to be parsed
[in,out]output_optionspointer to first option definition in array
[in]output_option_countamount of option definitions to be matched
amount of arguments that where parsed into options

◆ gate_app_options_print()

GATE_CORE_API gate_result_t gate_app_options_print ( gate_app_option_t const * options,
gate_size_t options_count,
gate_stream_t * out_stream )

Prints a list of all defined options.

[in]optionspointer to first option definition item
[in]options_countamount of option definitions to be printed
[in]out_streampointer to output stream where description is printed to
GATE_RESULT_* values indicating success of failure

◆ gate_app_parse_args()

GATE_CORE_API gate_size_t gate_app_parse_args ( gate_string_t const * argline,
gate_string_t * dest_args,
gate_size_t max_dest_args )

Parses a full line of arguments into an array of argument tokens.

[in]arglinecommand line of multiple arguments to be parsed
[in,out]dest_argsoutput array of strings to be filled with parsed arguments
[in]max_dest_argsamount of dest_args items that can be filled
amount of dest_args that where filled

◆ gate_app_parse_args_buffer()

GATE_CORE_API gate_size_t gate_app_parse_args_buffer ( gate_string_t const * argline,
char * buffer,
size_t buffer_len,
char const ** dest_args,
gate_size_t max_dest_args )

Parses a full line of arguments into an array of argument tokens.

[in]arglinecommand line of multiple arguments to be parsed
[in,out]bufferoutput text buffer retrieving a list of '\0' seperated arguments
[in]buffer_lenmaximum length of buffer in bytes
[in,out]dest_argsoutput argument pointer-array, filled with
[in]max_dest_argsamount of dest_args items that can be filled
amount of dest_args that where filled with pointers into buffer with arguments

◆ gate_app_run()

GATE_CORE_API int gate_app_run ( gate_app_t * app,
char const * program,
char const *const * arguments,
gate_size_t argcount,
gate_uintptr_t apphandle )

perform default application execution on an initalized app object

[in]apppointer to app object
[in]programC string containing programm file path
[in]argumentsarray of C strings containing app arguments
[in]argcountamount of items in arguments array
[in]apphandlenative application handle
application exit code to be returned on process termination

◆ gate_appservice_init()

GATE_CORE_API void gate_appservice_init ( gate_appservice_t * service,
gate_result_t(*)(gate_appservice_t *, char const *, char const *const *, gate_size_t, gate_uintptr_t) init_cb,
gate_result_t(*)(gate_appservice_t *) run_cb,
gate_result_t(*)(gate_appservice_t *, int) on_signal_cb,
gate_size_t(*)(gate_appservice_t *, char *, gate_size_t) get_servicename_cb,
gate_result_t(*)(gate_appservice_t *) on_start_cb,
gate_result_t(*)(gate_appservice_t *) on_stop_cb,
gate_result_t(*)(gate_appservice_t *) on_pause_cb,
gate_result_t(*)(gate_appservice_t *) on_continue_cb,
gate_result_t(*)(gate_appservice_t *, gate_result_t, gate_int32_t, char const *) on_error_cb )

Initializes an app service object with state callback functions.

[in,out]servicepointer to app object to be initialized
[in]init_cbcallback to be invoked on startup to initialize global resources
[in]run_cbcallback to execute main functionality of the service
[in]on_signal_cbcallback to receive external status signals
[in]get_servicename_cbcallback to retrieve service name for system registration
[in]on_start_cbcallback to start service operations
[in]on_stop_cbcallback to stop service operations
[in]on_pause_cbcallback to interrupt and pause service operations
[in]on_continue_cbcallback to continue service operations after interruption
[in]on_error_cbcallback to notify about detected errors

◆ gate_appservice_run()

GATE_CORE_API int gate_appservice_run ( gate_appservice_t * appservice,
char const * program,
char const *const * arguments,
gate_size_t argcount,
gate_uintptr_t apphandle )

perform default service execution on an initalized appservice object

[in]appservicepointer to app object
[in]programC string containing programm file path
[in]argumentsarray of C strings containing app arguments
[in]argcountamount of items in arguments array
[in]apphandlenative application handle
exit code to be returned on process termination