arrays.h File Reference

Arrays and other linear sequential type fields. More...

#include "gate/gate_core_api.h"
#include "gate/memalloc.h"
#include "gate/atomics.h"
#include "gate/comparers.h"
#include "gate/enumerators.h"


struct  gate_array_class
 A linear constant field of items of the same types. More...
struct  gate_slotlist_class
 A linear changable field of pointers to changable items of the same types. More...
struct  gate_linkedentry_class
 A double-linked-list entry holding the link information and the content. More...
struct  gate_linkedlist_class
 A double-linked-list of item of the same type, where each entry has a pointer-link to the previous and the following item. More...


typedef struct gate_arraylist_classgate_arraylist_t
 A linear changable field of items of the same types.
typedef struct gate_array_class gate_array_t
 A linear constant field of items of the same types.
typedef struct gate_slotlist_class gate_slotlist_t
 A linear changable field of pointers to changable items of the same types.
typedef gate_size_t gate_slotlist_iterator_t
typedef struct gate_linkedentry_class gate_linkedentry_t
 A double-linked-list entry holding the link information and the content.
typedef struct gate_linkedlist_class gate_linkedlist_t
 A double-linked-list of item of the same type, where each entry has a pointer-link to the previous and the following item.


GATE_CORE_API gate_array_tgate_array_create_static (gate_array_t *arr, void const *data_ptr, gate_size_t item_size, gate_size_t item_count)
 initializes an array object from a static constant C array
GATE_CORE_API gate_array_tgate_array_create_empty (gate_array_t *arr)
 initializes an empty array object
GATE_CORE_API gate_array_tgate_array_create (gate_array_t *arr, gate_arraylist_t arraylist)
 initializes an array object with the contents of an arraylist
GATE_CORE_API gate_array_tgate_array_copy (gate_array_t *arr, gate_array_t const *src)
 initializes an array object by copying the contents of another array
GATE_CORE_API gate_array_tgate_array_duplicate (gate_array_t *arr, gate_array_t const *src)
 initializes an array object as a reference duplicate of another array
GATE_CORE_API gate_array_tgate_array_subset (gate_array_t *arr, gate_array_t const *src, gate_size_t offset, gate_size_t count)
 initializes an array object as a reference duplicate of the subset of another array
GATE_CORE_API void gate_array_release (gate_array_t *arr)
 releases acquired resources of an array object
GATE_CORE_API gate_size_t gate_array_length (gate_array_t const *arr)
 returns the amount of items in an array object (== length)
GATE_CORE_API void const * gate_array_get (gate_array_t const *arr, gate_size_t index)
 returns a pointer to an item contained in array object
GATE_CORE_API gate_enumerator_tgate_array_enumerate (gate_array_t const *arr, gate_enumerator_t *enumerator)
 creates an item enumerator from the array object
GATE_CORE_API gate_result_t gate_array_copy_constructor (void *dst, void const *src)
 generic copy-constructor function for array objects
GATE_CORE_API void gate_array_destructor (void *dst)
 generic destructor function for array objects
GATE_CORE_API void * gate_array_sort (void *items, gate_size_t item_size, gate_size_t items_count, gate_comparer_t comparer, gate_mem_copyctor_t copy_constructor, gate_mem_dtor_t destructor)
 generic array items sorting function (ascending)
GATE_CORE_API void * gate_array_sort_descending (void *items, gate_size_t item_size, gate_size_t items_count, gate_comparer_t comparer, gate_mem_copyctor_t copy_constructor, gate_mem_dtor_t destructor)
 generic array items sorting function (descending)
GATE_CORE_API gate_size_t gate_array_remove_if (void *items, gate_size_t item_size, gate_size_t items_count, gate_check_condition_t condition_callback, void *param, gate_mem_copyctor_t copy_constructor, gate_mem_dtor_t destructor)
 generic array item removal functions, moves following items into position of removed items.
GATE_CORE_API gate_arraylist_t gate_arraylist_create (gate_size_t itemsize, void const *source, gate_size_t length, gate_mem_copyctor_t cctor, gate_mem_dtor_t dtor)
 Creates an arraylist instance.
GATE_CORE_API gate_arraylist_t gate_arraylist_retain (gate_arraylist_t arr)
 Increases the reference count of the arraylist instance.
GATE_CORE_API void gate_arraylist_release (gate_arraylist_t arr)
 Decreases the reference count of the arraylist instance and deletes all resource when zero is reached.
GATE_CORE_API gate_arraylist_t gate_arraylist_copy (gate_arraylist_t src_arr)
 Creates a copy of an existing arraylist.
GATE_CORE_API gate_size_t gate_arraylist_itemsize (gate_arraylist_t arr)
 Returns the byte size of the item type that an arraylist contains (sizeof(item))
GATE_CORE_API gate_size_t gate_arraylist_length (gate_arraylist_t arr)
 Returns the amount of items currently contained in an arraylist.
GATE_CORE_API void * gate_arraylist_get (gate_arraylist_t arr, gate_size_t index)
 Returns a pointer to an item in arraylist, addressed by its index.
GATE_CORE_API void * gate_arraylist_add (gate_arraylist_t arr, void const *item)
 Adds one new item to the arraylist by copying an existing source.
GATE_CORE_API void * gate_arraylist_add_n (gate_arraylist_t arr, void const *item, gate_size_t repeat_count)
 Adds one item N times to the arraylist by copying an existing source.
GATE_CORE_API void * gate_arraylist_insert (gate_arraylist_t arr, gate_size_t index, void const *item, gate_size_t itemcount)
 Inserts new items into an arraylist at a specific index position.
GATE_CORE_API gate_result_t gate_arraylist_remove (gate_arraylist_t arr, gate_size_t index, gate_size_t count)
 Removes 1 to N items from the arraylist beginning at a specific index.
GATE_CORE_API gate_result_t gate_arraylist_remove_if (gate_arraylist_t arr, gate_check_condition_t condition, void *param)
 Removes items from an arraylist that match a specific check evaluation.
GATE_CORE_API void gate_arraylist_clear (gate_arraylist_t arr)
 Removes all items of the arraylist.
GATE_CORE_API gate_size_t gate_arraylist_get_value (gate_arraylist_t arr, gate_size_t index, void *dest_buffer, gate_size_t dest_buffer_size)
 Constructs a copy of the addressed item's value on an external destination buffer.
GATE_CORE_API gate_size_t gate_arraylist_create_item (gate_arraylist_t arr, void *dest_buffer, gate_size_t dest_buffer_size)
 Creates an item type on an external destination buffer.
GATE_CORE_API void gate_arraylist_destroy_item (gate_arraylist_t arr, void *dest_buffer)
 Destroys an item type on an external buffer location.
GATE_CORE_API gate_enumerator_tgate_arraylist_enumerate (gate_arraylist_t arr, gate_enumerator_t *enumerator)
 Creates an enumerator instance to iterate over all items in the arraylist.
GATE_CORE_API gate_result_t gate_arraylist_copy_constructor (void *dst, void const *src)
 Copy-constructor function to copy-construct an error list.
GATE_CORE_API void gate_arraylist_destructor (void *dst)
 Destructor function to deallocate an arraylist object.
GATE_CORE_API gate_slotlist_tgate_slotlist_create (gate_slotlist_t *sl, gate_size_t itemsize, gate_mem_copyctor_t ctor, gate_mem_dtor_t dtor)
 Creates a new slotlist.
GATE_CORE_API gate_slotlist_tgate_slotlist_create_copy (gate_slotlist_t *sl, gate_slotlist_t const *src)
 Creates a new slotlist containing copies of items of another slotlist.
GATE_CORE_API void gate_slotlist_destroy (gate_slotlist_t *sl)
 Destroys a slotlist and its associated content.
GATE_CORE_API void * gate_slotlist_add (gate_slotlist_t *sl, void const *item)
 Adds an item to a slotlist at the next free slot.
GATE_CORE_API void * gate_slotlist_first (gate_slotlist_t const *sl, gate_slotlist_iterator_t *iterator)
 Returns an iterator the first item on the slotlist.
GATE_CORE_API void * gate_slotlist_next (gate_slotlist_t const *sl, gate_slotlist_iterator_t *iterator)
 Returns an iterator the first item on the slotlist.
GATE_CORE_API void * gate_slotlist_at (gate_slotlist_t const *sl, gate_size_t index)
 Returns an item at a specific position.
GATE_CORE_API void * gate_slotlist_get (gate_slotlist_t const *sl, gate_slotlist_iterator_t const *iterator)
 Returns an item addressed by an iterator.
GATE_CORE_API void * gate_slotlist_insert_at (gate_slotlist_t *sl, gate_size_t index, void const *item)
 Inserts a new item into the slotlist at a specific position.
GATE_CORE_API gate_bool_t gate_slotlist_remove (gate_slotlist_t *sl, gate_slotlist_iterator_t *iterator)
 Removes an item from slotlist addressed by iterator.
GATE_CORE_API gate_bool_t gate_slotlist_remove_at (gate_slotlist_t *sl, gate_size_t index)
 Removes an item from slotlist addressed by index.
GATE_CORE_API void gate_slotlist_clear (gate_slotlist_t *sl)
 Removes all items from a slotlist.
GATE_CORE_API gate_size_t gate_slotlist_length (gate_slotlist_t const *sl)
 Returns the amount of items in the slotlist.
GATE_CORE_API gate_size_t gate_slotlist_capacity (gate_slotlist_t const *sl)
 Returns the current allocated amount of slots in the slotlist.
GATE_CORE_API void * gate_slotlist_import (gate_slotlist_t *sl, void *item)
 Inserts an allocated item into the slotlist at the next free slot position.
GATE_CORE_API void * gate_slotlist_export (gate_slotlist_t *sl, gate_slotlist_iterator_t *iterator)
 Exports an allocated item from the slotlist, slot will be empty afterwards.
GATE_CORE_API void * gate_slotlist_import_at (gate_slotlist_t *sl, gate_size_t index, void *item)
 Inserts an allocated item into the slotlist at an addressed position.
GATE_CORE_API void * gate_slotlist_export_at (gate_slotlist_t *sl, gate_size_t index)
 Exports an allocated item from the slotlist, slot will be empty afterwards.
GATE_CORE_API gate_result_t gate_linkedlist_create (gate_linkedlist_t *list, gate_size_t itemsize, gate_mem_copyctor_t ctor, gate_mem_dtor_t dtor)
 Creates a new linked list.
GATE_CORE_API void gate_linkedlist_destroy (gate_linkedlist_t *list)
 Destroys a linked list.
GATE_CORE_API gate_linkedentry_tgate_linkedlist_add (gate_linkedlist_t *list, void const *item)
 Appends an item at the end of a linked-list.
GATE_CORE_API gate_linkedentry_tgate_linkedlist_insert (gate_linkedlist_t *list, gate_linkedentry_t *entry, void const *item)
 Inserts a new item at a specific position.
GATE_CORE_API gate_result_t gate_linkedlist_remove (gate_linkedlist_t *list, gate_linkedentry_t *entry)
 Removes an entry from a linked-list.
GATE_CORE_API gate_linkedentry_tgate_linkedlist_first (gate_linkedlist_t const *list)
 Returns the first entry in the linked-list.
GATE_CORE_API gate_linkedentry_tgate_linkedlist_last (gate_linkedlist_t const *list)
 Returns the last entry in the linked-list.
GATE_CORE_API gate_linkedentry_tgate_linkedlist_previous (gate_linkedentry_t const *entry)
 Returns the previous linked-entry of a specific linked-entry.
GATE_CORE_API gate_linkedentry_tgate_linkedlist_next (gate_linkedentry_t const *entry)
 Returns the next linked-entry of a specific linked-entry.
GATE_CORE_API gate_enumerator_tgate_linkedlist_enumerate (gate_linkedlist_t const *list, gate_enumerator_t *enumerator)
 Initializes an enumerator to iterate over the elements of a linked-list.
GATE_CORE_API gate_bool_t gate_bit_is_set (void const *data, gate_size_t bitindex)
 Reads a bit of a binary field at a specific bit position.
GATE_CORE_API void gate_bit_set (void *data, gate_size_t bitindex)
 Sets a bit in a binary field.
GATE_CORE_API void gate_bit_clear (void *data, gate_size_t bitindex)
 Sets a bit in a binary field.

Detailed Description

Arrays and other linear sequential type fields.

Typedef Documentation

◆ gate_array_t

A linear constant field of items of the same types.

The object points to the first item of a linear list of items. A static array is a pointer to an external (non-owned) field of items, while a default array contains an arraylist that owns all contained items The length and the items of an array is constant, they cannot be changed during runtime.

◆ gate_arraylist_t

A linear changable field of items of the same types.

New items are copied into the array. An added or inserted item is owned by the array object and destroyed on its removal. All items are allocated in one block of memory.

◆ gate_linkedentry_t

A double-linked-list entry holding the link information and the content.

A linked-entry instance is overallocated (sizeof(gate_linkedentry_t) + sizeof(item_type)) and the content data is placed after the entry object The entry object holds links to the previous and the next entry in a linked-list. A data pointer addresses the beginning of the content type (following the linked-entry object)

◆ gate_linkedlist_t

A double-linked-list of item of the same type, where each entry has a pointer-link to the previous and the following item.

Each inserted item is allocated in a separate memory space and links of neighbor items are updated accordingly. Insertion and deletion of items is performed fast at the cost of memory overhead and fragmentation.

◆ gate_slotlist_iterator_t

iterator type of slotlist

◆ gate_slotlist_t

A linear changable field of pointers to changable items of the same types.

A new item is copied into a separate memory space and a pointer to it is added to the slotlist array. Such pointer arrays are manipulated faster than arraylists as they only need to move pointers instead of copying whole objects, but they have a higher memory overhead. New added items are inserted in the next free position. If an item is removed at a specific position, the next added item takes that free position.

Function Documentation

◆ gate_array_copy()

GATE_CORE_API gate_array_t * gate_array_copy ( gate_array_t * arr,
gate_array_t const * src )

initializes an array object by copying the contents of another array

[out]arrarray object to be initialized
[in]srcsource array to be copied
return pointer to array (same as "arr") on success or NULL on error

◆ gate_array_copy_constructor()

GATE_CORE_API gate_result_t gate_array_copy_constructor ( void * dst,
void const * src )

generic copy-constructor function for array objects

[out]dstpointer to target array to be initialized
[in]srcpointer to source array to be duplicated
result indicating copying was successful

◆ gate_array_create()

GATE_CORE_API gate_array_t * gate_array_create ( gate_array_t * arr,
gate_arraylist_t arraylist )

initializes an array object with the contents of an arraylist

[out]arrarray object to be initialized
[in]arraylistarraylist object containing array data
return pointer to array (same as "arr") on success or NULL on error

◆ gate_array_create_empty()

GATE_CORE_API gate_array_t * gate_array_create_empty ( gate_array_t * arr)

initializes an empty array object

[out]arrarray object to be initialized
returns pointer to array (same as "arr") on success or NULL on error

◆ gate_array_create_static()

GATE_CORE_API gate_array_t * gate_array_create_static ( gate_array_t * arr,
void const * data_ptr,
gate_size_t item_size,
gate_size_t item_count )

initializes an array object from a static constant C array

[out]arrarray object to be initialized
[in]data_ptrpointer to first item in array
[in]item_sizesize of one array element in bytes (== sizeof(item_type))
[in]item_countamount of items to be addressed by array
returns pointer to array (same as "arr") on success or NULL on error

◆ gate_array_destructor()

GATE_CORE_API void gate_array_destructor ( void * dst)

generic destructor function for array objects

[in,out]dstpointer to array to be released

◆ gate_array_duplicate()

GATE_CORE_API gate_array_t * gate_array_duplicate ( gate_array_t * arr,
gate_array_t const * src )

initializes an array object as a reference duplicate of another array

[out]arrarray object to be initialized
[in]srcsource array to be referenced
return pointer to array (same as "arr") on success or NULL on error

◆ gate_array_enumerate()

GATE_CORE_API gate_enumerator_t * gate_array_enumerate ( gate_array_t const * arr,
gate_enumerator_t * enumerator )

creates an item enumerator from the array object

[in]arrarray object to be evaluated
[out]enumeratorpointer to enumerator to be initialized
pointer to enumerator, or NULL in case of an internal error

◆ gate_array_get()

GATE_CORE_API void const * gate_array_get ( gate_array_t const * arr,
gate_size_t index )

returns a pointer to an item contained in array object

[in]arrarray object to be evaluated
[in]indexindex of item in array
pointer to array, or NULL if index is out of array bounds

◆ gate_array_length()

GATE_CORE_API gate_size_t gate_array_length ( gate_array_t const * arr)

returns the amount of items in an array object (== length)

[in]arrarray object to be evaluated
amount of items contained in array object

◆ gate_array_release()

GATE_CORE_API void gate_array_release ( gate_array_t * arr)

releases acquired resources of an array object

[in,out]arrarray object to be released

◆ gate_array_remove_if()

GATE_CORE_API gate_size_t gate_array_remove_if ( void * items,
gate_size_t item_size,
gate_size_t items_count,
gate_check_condition_t condition_callback,
void * param,
gate_mem_copyctor_t copy_constructor,
gate_mem_dtor_t destructor )

generic array item removal functions, moves following items into position of removed items.

[in,out]itemspointer to first item in target array to be evaluated.
[in]item_sizesize of one array item ( ==sizeof(array_item_t) ).
[in]items_countamount of items in array.
[in]condition_callbackremoval check condition callback function.
[in]paramuser parameter to be used in condition_callback
[in]copy_constructoritem constructor function (or NULL to use gate_mem_copy).
[in]destructoritem destructor function (or NULL if no destruction required).
new size of valid items in array

◆ gate_array_sort()

GATE_CORE_API void * gate_array_sort ( void * items,
gate_size_t item_size,
gate_size_t items_count,
gate_comparer_t comparer,
gate_mem_copyctor_t copy_constructor,
gate_mem_dtor_t destructor )

generic array items sorting function (ascending)

[in,out]itemspointer to first item in target array to be sorted
[in]item_sizesize of one array item ( ==sizeof(array_item_t) )
[in]items_countamount of items in array
[in]compareritem comparer function (or NULL to use gate_mem_compare)
[in]copy_constructoritem constructor function (or NULL to use gate_mem_copy)
[in]destructoritem destructor function (or NULL if no destruction required)
pointer to first item in array on success, or NULL in case of error

◆ gate_array_sort_descending()

GATE_CORE_API void * gate_array_sort_descending ( void * items,
gate_size_t item_size,
gate_size_t items_count,
gate_comparer_t comparer,
gate_mem_copyctor_t copy_constructor,
gate_mem_dtor_t destructor )

generic array items sorting function (descending)

[in,out]itemspointer to first item in target array to be sorted
[in]item_sizesize of one array item ( ==sizeof(array_item_t) )
[in]items_countamount of items in array
[in]compareritem comparer function (or NULL to use gate_mem_compare)
[in]copy_constructoritem constructor function (or NULL to use gate_mem_copy)
[in]destructoritem destructor function (or NULL if no destruction required)
pointer to first item in array on success, or NULL in case of error

◆ gate_array_subset()

GATE_CORE_API gate_array_t * gate_array_subset ( gate_array_t * arr,
gate_array_t const * src,
gate_size_t offset,
gate_size_t count )

initializes an array object as a reference duplicate of the subset of another array

[out]arrarray object to be initialized
[in]srcsource array to be referenced
[in]offsetindex in source array to start referencing
[in]countamount of array items to be referenced
return pointer to array (same as "arr") on success or NULL on error

◆ gate_arraylist_add()

GATE_CORE_API void * gate_arraylist_add ( gate_arraylist_t arr,
void const * item )

Adds one new item to the arraylist by copying an existing source.

[in]arrarraylist instance to be updated
[in]itempointer to item, thats copy is added to the arraylist
pointer to new item within arraylist, NULL indicates an allocation error

◆ gate_arraylist_add_n()

GATE_CORE_API void * gate_arraylist_add_n ( gate_arraylist_t arr,
void const * item,
gate_size_t repeat_count )

Adds one item N times to the arraylist by copying an existing source.

[in]arrarraylist instance to be updated
[in]itempointer to item, thats copy is added to the arraylist
[in]repeat_countcount of copies to be added to the arraylist
pointer to the first new item within arraylist, NULL indicates an allocation error

◆ gate_arraylist_clear()

GATE_CORE_API void gate_arraylist_clear ( gate_arraylist_t arr)

Removes all items of the arraylist.

[in]arrarraylist instance to be updated

◆ gate_arraylist_copy()

GATE_CORE_API gate_arraylist_t gate_arraylist_copy ( gate_arraylist_t src_arr)

Creates a copy of an existing arraylist.

[in]src_arrsource array list to be copied
new arraylist instance that contains copies of the elements of src_arr

◆ gate_arraylist_copy_constructor()

GATE_CORE_API gate_result_t gate_arraylist_copy_constructor ( void * dst,
void const * src )

Copy-constructor function to copy-construct an error list.

[in]dstpointer to space where a new arraylist is created
[in]srcpointer to existing arraylist object to be copied
GATE_RESULT_* result code

◆ gate_arraylist_create()

GATE_CORE_API gate_arraylist_t gate_arraylist_create ( gate_size_t itemsize,
void const * source,
gate_size_t length,
gate_mem_copyctor_t cctor,
gate_mem_dtor_t dtor )

Creates an arraylist instance.

[in]itemsizesizeof(item) that this arraylist is going to contain.
[in]sourceoptional pointer to first element of items to be added to arraylist during construction
[in]lengthamount of elemts to be added
[in]cctorcopy-constructor function to be used to insert items, NULL means memcpy() is used
[in]dtordestructor function that is applied when an element is removed, NULL means no action is applied
new arraylist object instance (pointer type)

◆ gate_arraylist_create_item()

GATE_CORE_API gate_size_t gate_arraylist_create_item ( gate_arraylist_t arr,
void * dest_buffer,
gate_size_t dest_buffer_size )

Creates an item type on an external destination buffer.

[in]arrarraylist instance to be used
[in]dest_bufferpointer to byte buffer where new item is constructed (using the internal constructor function)
[in]dest_buffer_sizecapacity of dest_buffer in bytes
size of constructed item in bytes, or zero if construction has failed

◆ gate_arraylist_destroy_item()

GATE_CORE_API void gate_arraylist_destroy_item ( gate_arraylist_t arr,
void * dest_buffer )

Destroys an item type on an external buffer location.

[in]arrarraylist instance to be used
[in]dest_bufferpointer to byte buffer where an existing item is destroy (using the internal destructor function)

◆ gate_arraylist_destructor()

GATE_CORE_API void gate_arraylist_destructor ( void * dst)

Destructor function to deallocate an arraylist object.

[in]dstpointer to space arraylist to be destroyed

◆ gate_arraylist_enumerate()

GATE_CORE_API gate_enumerator_t * gate_arraylist_enumerate ( gate_arraylist_t arr,
gate_enumerator_t * enumerator )

Creates an enumerator instance to iterate over all items in the arraylist.

[in]arrarraylist instance to be used
[in]enumeratorpointer to uninitialized enumerator space, where the enumerator will be constructed
pointer to constructed enumerator, or NULL in case of an error

◆ gate_arraylist_get()

GATE_CORE_API void * gate_arraylist_get ( gate_arraylist_t arr,
gate_size_t index )

Returns a pointer to an item in arraylist, addressed by its index.

[in]arrarraylist instance to be evaluated
[in]indexzero-based index of item in arraylist
pointer to addressed item or NULL if index is out of bounds

◆ gate_arraylist_get_value()

GATE_CORE_API gate_size_t gate_arraylist_get_value ( gate_arraylist_t arr,
gate_size_t index,
void * dest_buffer,
gate_size_t dest_buffer_size )

Constructs a copy of the addressed item's value on an external destination buffer.

[in]arrarraylist instance to be used
[in]indexindex of item to be accessed
[in]dest_bufferpointer to byte buffer where item's value is copy-constructed (using the internal constructor function)
[in]dest_buffer_sizecapacity of dest_buffer in bytes
size of constructed item in bytes, or zero if construction has failed

◆ gate_arraylist_insert()

GATE_CORE_API void * gate_arraylist_insert ( gate_arraylist_t arr,
gate_size_t index,
void const * item,
gate_size_t itemcount )

Inserts new items into an arraylist at a specific index position.

[in]arrarraylist instance to be updated
[in]indexindex within arraylist, where new items are inserted
[in]itempointer to first item of list to be added to the arraylist
[in]itemcountcount of items beginning at item-pointer
pointer to the first new item within arraylist, NULL indicates an allocation error

◆ gate_arraylist_itemsize()

GATE_CORE_API gate_size_t gate_arraylist_itemsize ( gate_arraylist_t arr)

Returns the byte size of the item type that an arraylist contains (sizeof(item))

[in]arrarraylist instance to be evaluated
byte size of datatype managed by arraylist instance

◆ gate_arraylist_length()

GATE_CORE_API gate_size_t gate_arraylist_length ( gate_arraylist_t arr)

Returns the amount of items currently contained in an arraylist.

[in]arrarraylist instance to be evaluated
count of contained items

◆ gate_arraylist_release()

GATE_CORE_API void gate_arraylist_release ( gate_arraylist_t arr)

Decreases the reference count of the arraylist instance and deletes all resource when zero is reached.

[in,out]arrarraylist instance to be released

◆ gate_arraylist_remove()

GATE_CORE_API gate_result_t gate_arraylist_remove ( gate_arraylist_t arr,
gate_size_t index,
gate_size_t count )

Removes 1 to N items from the arraylist beginning at a specific index.

[in]arrarraylist instance to be updated
[in]indexindex within arraylist, where items are deleted
[in]countcount of items to be removed
GATE_RESULT_* error code

◆ gate_arraylist_remove_if()

GATE_CORE_API gate_result_t gate_arraylist_remove_if ( gate_arraylist_t arr,
gate_check_condition_t condition,
void * param )

Removes items from an arraylist that match a specific check evaluation.

[in]arrarraylist instance to be updated
[in]conditionpointer to function that is called for each item, return value TRUE enables deletion of item
[in]paramparameter pointer to be used in each condition function call
GATE_RESULT_* error code

◆ gate_arraylist_retain()

GATE_CORE_API gate_arraylist_t gate_arraylist_retain ( gate_arraylist_t arr)

Increases the reference count of the arraylist instance.

[in,out]arrarraylist instance to be retained
arraylist instance that was retained

◆ gate_bit_clear()

GATE_CORE_API void gate_bit_clear ( void * data,
gate_size_t bitindex )

Sets a bit in a binary field.

[in]datapointer to bit-data to be updated
[in]bitindexindex of bit to be cleared

◆ gate_bit_is_set()

GATE_CORE_API gate_bool_t gate_bit_is_set ( void const * data,
gate_size_t bitindex )

Reads a bit of a binary field at a specific bit position.

[in]datapointer to bit-data to be evaluated
[in]bitindexindex of bit to be accessed
TRUE if bit was set, FALSE if bit was cleared

◆ gate_bit_set()

GATE_CORE_API void gate_bit_set ( void * data,
gate_size_t bitindex )

Sets a bit in a binary field.

[in]datapointer to bit-data to be updated
[in]bitindexindex of bit to be set

◆ gate_linkedlist_add()

GATE_CORE_API gate_linkedentry_t * gate_linkedlist_add ( gate_linkedlist_t * list,
void const * item )

Appends an item at the end of a linked-list.

[in]listpointer to linkedlist to be updated
[in]itempointer to item, thats copy is going to be added to the linked-list
pointer to new linkedentry in the linked-list

◆ gate_linkedlist_create()

GATE_CORE_API gate_result_t gate_linkedlist_create ( gate_linkedlist_t * list,
gate_size_t itemsize,
gate_mem_copyctor_t ctor,
gate_mem_dtor_t dtor )

Creates a new linked list.

[in]listpointer to linkedlist to be initialized
[in]itemsizesizeof of item type handled by the new linkedlist
[in]ctorpointer to copy-constructor function of item type, NULL employs memcpy() for content construction
[in]dtorpointer to destructor function of item type, NULL does not perform content destruction
GATE_RESULT_* result code

◆ gate_linkedlist_destroy()

GATE_CORE_API void gate_linkedlist_destroy ( gate_linkedlist_t * list)

Destroys a linked list.

[in]listpointer to linkedlist to be destroyed

◆ gate_linkedlist_enumerate()

GATE_CORE_API gate_enumerator_t * gate_linkedlist_enumerate ( gate_linkedlist_t const * list,
gate_enumerator_t * enumerator )

Initializes an enumerator to iterate over the elements of a linked-list.

[in]listpointer to linked-entry to be evaluated
[in,out]enumeratorpointer to enumerator to be initialized with linked-list
pointer to initialized enumerator, NULL indicates an internal error

◆ gate_linkedlist_first()

GATE_CORE_API gate_linkedentry_t * gate_linkedlist_first ( gate_linkedlist_t const * list)

Returns the first entry in the linked-list.

[in]listpointer to linkedlist to be iterated
pointer to linkedentry of first element, or NULL if list was empty

◆ gate_linkedlist_insert()

GATE_CORE_API gate_linkedentry_t * gate_linkedlist_insert ( gate_linkedlist_t * list,
gate_linkedentry_t * entry,
void const * item )

Inserts a new item at a specific position.

[in]listpointer to linkedlist to be updated
[in]entrypointer to linkedentry, where the item is going to be inserted, that entry will afterwards follow the new entry
[in]itempointer to item, thats copy is going to be added to the linked-list
pointer to new linkedentry in the linked-list

◆ gate_linkedlist_last()

GATE_CORE_API gate_linkedentry_t * gate_linkedlist_last ( gate_linkedlist_t const * list)

Returns the last entry in the linked-list.

[in]listpointer to linkedlist to be iterated
pointer to linkedentry of last element, or NULL if list was empty

◆ gate_linkedlist_next()

GATE_CORE_API gate_linkedentry_t * gate_linkedlist_next ( gate_linkedentry_t const * entry)

Returns the next linked-entry of a specific linked-entry.

[in]entrypointer to linked-entry to be evaluated
pointer to next following linked-entry or NULL if no following entry is available

◆ gate_linkedlist_previous()

GATE_CORE_API gate_linkedentry_t * gate_linkedlist_previous ( gate_linkedentry_t const * entry)

Returns the previous linked-entry of a specific linked-entry.

[in]entrypointer to linked-entry to be evaluated
pointer to previous linked-entry or NULL if no previous entry is available

◆ gate_linkedlist_remove()

GATE_CORE_API gate_result_t gate_linkedlist_remove ( gate_linkedlist_t * list,
gate_linkedentry_t * entry )

Removes an entry from a linked-list.

[in]listpointer to linkedlist to be updated
[in]entrypointer to linkedentry to be removed
GATE_RESULT_* result code

◆ gate_slotlist_add()

GATE_CORE_API void * gate_slotlist_add ( gate_slotlist_t * sl,
void const * item )

Adds an item to a slotlist at the next free slot.

[in]slpointer to slotlist to be updated
[in]itempointer to an item, thats copy is a going to be added to the slotlist
pointer to new item contained in slotlist

◆ gate_slotlist_at()

GATE_CORE_API void * gate_slotlist_at ( gate_slotlist_t const * sl,
gate_size_t index )

Returns an item at a specific position.

[in]slpointer to slotlist to be accessed
[in]indexzero-based index (less capacity)
pointer to item addressed by position, or NULL if slot is empty or index is out of bounds

◆ gate_slotlist_capacity()

GATE_CORE_API gate_size_t gate_slotlist_capacity ( gate_slotlist_t const * sl)

Returns the current allocated amount of slots in the slotlist.

[in]slpointer to slotlist to be accessed
Allocated capacity of possible items in slotlist

◆ gate_slotlist_clear()

GATE_CORE_API void gate_slotlist_clear ( gate_slotlist_t * sl)

Removes all items from a slotlist.

[in]slpointer to slotlist to be updated

◆ gate_slotlist_create()

GATE_CORE_API gate_slotlist_t * gate_slotlist_create ( gate_slotlist_t * sl,
gate_size_t itemsize,
gate_mem_copyctor_t ctor,
gate_mem_dtor_t dtor )

Creates a new slotlist.

[in]slpointer to slotlist to be initialized
[in]itemsizebyte size of item type to be handled by slotlist (sizeof(item))
[in]ctorcopy-constructor function of item type, if NULL is used, memcpy() is employed
[in]dtordestructor function of item type, if NULL is used, no action is performed
pointer to initialized slotlist, NULL indicates an allocation error

◆ gate_slotlist_create_copy()

GATE_CORE_API gate_slotlist_t * gate_slotlist_create_copy ( gate_slotlist_t * sl,
gate_slotlist_t const * src )

Creates a new slotlist containing copies of items of another slotlist.

[in]slpointer to slotlist to be initialized
[in]srcpointer to source slotlist thats items are copied
pointer to initialized slotlist, NULL indicates an allocation error

◆ gate_slotlist_destroy()

GATE_CORE_API void gate_slotlist_destroy ( gate_slotlist_t * sl)

Destroys a slotlist and its associated content.

[in]slpointer to slotlist to be destroyed

◆ gate_slotlist_export()

GATE_CORE_API void * gate_slotlist_export ( gate_slotlist_t * sl,
gate_slotlist_iterator_t * iterator )

Exports an allocated item from the slotlist, slot will be empty afterwards.

[in]slpointer to slotlist to be updated
[in]iteratorpointer to iterator that addresses the item to be exported
Pointer to exported item

◆ gate_slotlist_export_at()

GATE_CORE_API void * gate_slotlist_export_at ( gate_slotlist_t * sl,
gate_size_t index )

Exports an allocated item from the slotlist, slot will be empty afterwards.

[in]slpointer to slotlist to be updated
[in]indexindex position of item in slotlist to be exported
Pointer to exported item

◆ gate_slotlist_first()

GATE_CORE_API void * gate_slotlist_first ( gate_slotlist_t const * sl,
gate_slotlist_iterator_t * iterator )

Returns an iterator the first item on the slotlist.

[in]slpointer to slotlist to be iterated
[in]iteratorpointer to iterator to be initialized with first item
pointer to first item or NULL if no item is available

◆ gate_slotlist_get()

GATE_CORE_API void * gate_slotlist_get ( gate_slotlist_t const * sl,
gate_slotlist_iterator_t const * iterator )

Returns an item addressed by an iterator.

[in]slto slotlist to be accessed
[in]iteratorpointer to iterator addressing the desired item
pointer to item addressed by iterator, or NULL if slot is empty or iterator is invalid

◆ gate_slotlist_import()

GATE_CORE_API void * gate_slotlist_import ( gate_slotlist_t * sl,
void * item )

Inserts an allocated item into the slotlist at the next free slot position.

[in]slpointer to slotlist to be updated
[in]itempointer to allocated item to be inserted
Pointer to inserted item, NULL indicates an internal allocation error

◆ gate_slotlist_import_at()

GATE_CORE_API void * gate_slotlist_import_at ( gate_slotlist_t * sl,
gate_size_t index,
void * item )

Inserts an allocated item into the slotlist at an addressed position.

[in]slpointer to slotlist to be updated
[in]indexindex position in slotlist where item is inserted
[in]itempointer to allocated item to be inserted
Pointer to inserted item, NULL indicates an internal allocation error

◆ gate_slotlist_insert_at()

GATE_CORE_API void * gate_slotlist_insert_at ( gate_slotlist_t * sl,
gate_size_t index,
void const * item )

Inserts a new item into the slotlist at a specific position.

[in]slpointer to slotlist to be updated
[in]indexzero-based index
[in]itempointer to item thats copy is going to be inserted
pointer to new item in slotlist, NULL indicates an allocation error

◆ gate_slotlist_length()

GATE_CORE_API gate_size_t gate_slotlist_length ( gate_slotlist_t const * sl)

Returns the amount of items in the slotlist.

[in]slpointer to slotlist to be accessed
Count of items in the slotlist

◆ gate_slotlist_next()

GATE_CORE_API void * gate_slotlist_next ( gate_slotlist_t const * sl,
gate_slotlist_iterator_t * iterator )

Returns an iterator the first item on the slotlist.

[in]slpointer to slotlist to be iterated
[in]iteratorpointer to iterator to be moved to next item
pointer to next item or NULL if no item is available

◆ gate_slotlist_remove()

GATE_CORE_API gate_bool_t gate_slotlist_remove ( gate_slotlist_t * sl,
gate_slotlist_iterator_t * iterator )

Removes an item from slotlist addressed by iterator.

[in]slpointer to slotlist to be updated
[in]iteratorpointer to iterator to element to be removed
TRUE if item was removed

◆ gate_slotlist_remove_at()

GATE_CORE_API gate_bool_t gate_slotlist_remove_at ( gate_slotlist_t * sl,
gate_size_t index )

Removes an item from slotlist addressed by index.

[in]slpointer to slotlist to be updated
[in]indexindex of item to be removed
TRUE if item was removed