No Matches
GATE Encode Library for C++


file  base64.hpp
 Base64 encoding and decoding.
file  blockciphers.hpp
 Blockcipher encoding/decoding.
file  bzip2streams.hpp
 BZip2 compression/decompression.
file  crchash.hpp
 CRC based hash generation.
file  gate_encode_api.hpp
 Defines API specific macros for all GATE Encode C++ Library functions.
file  hashes.hpp
 Abstract hash builder interface.
file  inifiles.hpp
 INI file format access.
file  json.hpp
 JSON data format access.
file  md5hash.hpp
 MD5 hash generation.
file  sha1hash.hpp
 SHA-1 hash generation.
file  sha256hash.hpp
 SHA-256 hash generation.
file  tarstreams.hpp
 TAR file format access.
file  texts.hpp
 Text formating and unicode converters.
file  xml.hpp
 XML data format access.
file  xzstreams.hpp
 XZ/LZMA compression and decompression.
file  yaml.hpp
 Simple YAML file format access.
file  zipstreams.hpp
 ZIP file format access.
file  zlibstreams.hpp
 ZLIB compression and decompression.

Detailed Description

Input/Output utilities for processes, devices and logging