gate::String Member List

This is the complete list of members for gate::String, including all inherited members.

assign(gate_string_t &dst, String const &src) (defined in gate::String)gate::Stringstatic
assign(gate_string_t &dst, gate_string_t const &src) (defined in gate::String)gate::Stringstatic
at(size_t index) const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
c_impl() const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
c_str() const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
clone() const (defined in gate::String)gate::String
clone(gate_string_t const &src) (defined in gate::String)gate::Stringstatic
compare(String const &str) const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
compare(char_8_t const *str) const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
compareIC(String const &str) const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
compareIC(char_8_t const *str) const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
copy() const (defined in gate::String)gate::String
copy(gate_string_t const &src) (defined in gate::String)gate::Stringstatic
copyTo(char_8_t *buffer, size_t capacity) const (defined in gate::String)gate::String
createFilled(size_t count, char_8_t content) (defined in gate::String)gate::Stringstatic
createFrom(gate_string_t &str) noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::Stringstatic
createIntNum(int64_t num) (defined in gate::String)gate::Stringstatic
createRealNum(real64_t real, int32_t decimalCount=3) (defined in gate::String)gate::Stringstatic
createStatic(char_8_t const *str) noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::Stringstatic
createStatic(char_8_t const *str, size_t len) noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::Stringstatic
createStaticFrom(T str) (defined in gate::String)gate::Stringinlinestatic
duplicate() const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
duplicate(gate_string_t const &src) noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::Stringstatic
empty() const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
endsWith(String const &str) const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
endsWith(char const &chr) const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
endsWith(char_8_t const *str) const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
endsWithIC(String const &str) const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
endsWithIC(char_8_t const *str) const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
equals(String const &str) const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
equals(char_8_t const *str) const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
equalsIC(String const &str) const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
equalsIC(char_8_t const *str) const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
findFirstNotOf(String const &text, size_t startAt=0) const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
findFirstOf(String const &text, size_t startAt=0) const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
findLastNotOf(String const &text) const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
findLastOf(String const &text) const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
left(size_t len) const (defined in gate::String)gate::String
length() const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
length(char const *str) noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::Stringstatic
like(String const &str) const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
likeOneOf(String const &str, char_8_t separator=';') const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
ltrim() const (defined in gate::String)gate::String
NPOS (defined in gate::String)gate::Stringstatic
npos (defined in gate::String)gate::Stringstatic
operator!() const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
operator!=(String const &src) const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
operator*() const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
operator<(String const &src) const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
operator<=(String const &src) const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
operator=(String const &src) noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
operator=(GATE_MOVEREF(String) src) noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
operator==(String const &src) const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
operator>(String const &src) const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
operator>=(String const &src) const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
operator[](size_t index) const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
parse(String const &find, size_t startAt, String *ptrHead, String *ptrTail, bool_t separatorAsTail=false) (defined in gate::String)gate::String
parseHex(uint64_t &num) noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
parseHex(N &num) noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::Stringinline
parseNum(uint64_t &num) noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
parseNum(int64_t &num) noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
parseNum(real64_t &num) noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
parseNum(real32_t &num) noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
parseNum(N &num) noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::Stringinline
positionOf(String const &text, size_t startAt=0) const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
positionOf(char const &chr, size_t startAt=0) const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
readLine(String &tail) const (defined in gate::String)gate::String
readLine() (defined in gate::String)gate::String
right(size_t len) const (defined in gate::String)gate::String
rtrim() const (defined in gate::String)gate::String
size() const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
startsWith(String const &str) const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
startsWith(char const &chr) const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
startsWith(char_8_t const *str) const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
startsWithIC(String const &str) const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
startsWithIC(char_8_t const *str) const noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
String() noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
String(char_8_t const *str) (defined in gate::String)gate::String
String(char_8_t const *str, size_t len) (defined in gate::String)gate::String
String(gate_string_t const &src) (defined in gate::String)gate::String
String(String const &src) noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
String(StringBuilder &strbuilder) (defined in gate::String)gate::String
String(GATE_MOVEREF(String) src) noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
substr(size_t offset, size_t len=GATE_STR_NPOS) const (defined in gate::String)gate::String
swap(String &that) noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
swap(gate_string_t &that) noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String
swap(gate_string_t &a, gate_string_t &b) noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::Stringstatic
toLower() const (defined in gate::String)gate::String
toUpper() const (defined in gate::String)gate::String
trim() const (defined in gate::String)gate::String
~String() noexcept (defined in gate::String)gate::String