gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER > Member List

This is the complete list of members for gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >, including all inherited members.

add(key_t const &key, value_t const &value) (defined in gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >)gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >inline
begin() noexcept (defined in gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >)gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >inline
begin() const noexcept (defined in gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >)gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >inline
c_impl() const (defined in gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >)gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >inline
cbegin() const noexcept (defined in gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >)gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >inline
cend() const noexcept (defined in gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >)gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >inline
clear() noexcept (defined in gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >)gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >inline
contains(key_t const &key, value_t const **ptrValue=NULL) const noexcept (defined in gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >)gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >inline
count() const noexcept (defined in gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >)gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >inline
empty() const noexcept (defined in gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >)gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >inline
end() noexcept (defined in gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >)gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >inline
end() const noexcept (defined in gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >)gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >inline
enumerate() const noexcept (defined in gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >)gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >inline
enumerateKeys() const noexcept (defined in gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >)gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >inline
enumerateValues() const noexcept (defined in gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >)gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >inline
enumerator_get(gate_enumerator_t const *enumerator) noexcept (defined in gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >)gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >inlinestatic
enumerator_get_key(gate_enumerator_t const *enumerator) noexcept (defined in gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >)gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >inlinestatic
enumerator_get_value(gate_enumerator_t const *enumerator) noexcept (defined in gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >)gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >inlinestatic
enumerator_is_valid(gate_enumerator_t const *enumerator) noexcept (defined in gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >)gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >inlinestatic
enumerator_next(gate_enumerator_t *enumerator) noexcept (defined in gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >)gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >inlinestatic
enumerator_t typedef (defined in gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >)gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >
find(key_t const &key) const noexcept (defined in gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >)gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >inline
get(key_t const &key) noexcept (defined in gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >)gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >inline
get(key_t const &key) const noexcept (defined in gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >)gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >inline
key_t typedef (defined in gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >)gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >
Map() noexcept (defined in gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >)gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >inline
Map(self_t const &src) (defined in gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >)gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >inline
mapping_t typedef (defined in gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >)gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >
operator=(self_t const &src) (defined in gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >)gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >inline
remove(key_t const &key) noexcept (defined in gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >)gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >inline
self_t typedef (defined in gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >)gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >
swap(self_t &that) noexcept (defined in gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >)gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >inline
value_t typedef (defined in gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >)gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >
~Map() noexcept (defined in gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >)gate::Map< KEY, VALUE, COMPARER >inline