gate::Blob Member List

This is the complete list of members for gate::Blob, including all inherited members.

assign(gate_blob_t &target, gate_blob_t const &src) (defined in gate::Blob)gate::Blobstatic
assign(gate_blob_t &target, Blob const &src) (defined in gate::Blob)gate::Blobstatic
Blob() (defined in gate::Blob)gate::Blob
Blob(void const *data, size_t length) (defined in gate::Blob)gate::Blob
Blob(gate_blob_t const &blob) (defined in gate::Blob)gate::Blob
Blob(Blob const &src) (defined in gate::Blob)gate::Blob
c_impl() const noexcept (defined in gate::Blob)gate::Blob
clone() const (defined in gate::Blob)gate::Blob
copy() const (defined in gate::Blob)gate::Blob
createFrom(gate_blob_t &blob) (defined in gate::Blob)gate::Blobstatic
createStatic(void const *data, size_t length) (defined in gate::Blob)gate::Blobstatic
data() const noexcept (defined in gate::Blob)gate::Blob
getByte(size_t index) const noexcept (defined in gate::Blob)gate::Blob
getBytes(size_t index, void *buffer, size_t bufferCapacity) const noexcept (defined in gate::Blob)gate::Blob
length() const noexcept (defined in gate::Blob)gate::Blob
operator=(Blob const &src) (defined in gate::Blob)gate::Blob
operator[](size_t index) const noexcept (defined in gate::Blob)gate::Blob
operator[](size_t index) (defined in gate::Blob)gate::Blob
setByte(size_t index, uint8_t byteValue) (defined in gate::Blob)gate::Blob
setBytes(size_t index, void const *buffer, size_t bufferLength) (defined in gate::Blob)gate::Blob
subset(size_t offset, size_t length) const noexcept (defined in gate::Blob)gate::Blob
swap(Blob &that) noexcept (defined in gate::Blob)gate::Blob
~Blob() noexcept (defined in gate::Blob)gate::Blob