Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 Cgate_app_classApp class holding callbacks for different application execution states
 Cgate_app_option_classDefines command line options
 Cgate_appservice_classService class that holds callbacks for different system service execution states
 Cgate_array_classA linear constant field of items of the same types
 Cgate_atomic_flag_classAtomic flag storage type
 Cgate_atomic_lock_classAtomic lock storage (generic, non-recursive) type
 Cgate_atomic_rlock_tAtomic recursive lock storage type
 Cgate_callstack_context_classData storage to hold context registers for callstack switches
 Cgate_callstack_jmpbuf_classData storage to holds the context of a forked execution path
 Cgate_cloneable_tBase interface for all objects that can be cloned
 Cgate_console_tConsole stream interface
 Cgate_controlstream_tA stream that offers access to its internal native resource handles
 Cgate_cstrbuffer8_classC-string buffer class
 Cgate_enumerator_classEnumerator data type that stores the enumeration state
 Cgate_flatmap_classA flat map stores an array of key/value pair, the key needs to be unique
 Cgate_geopos_classGate_geoposition_t structure
 Cgate_guid_classGate_guid_t structure
 Cgate_linkedentry_classA double-linked-list entry holding the link information and the content
 Cgate_linkedlist_classA double-linked-list of item of the same type, where each entry has a pointer-link to the previous and the following item
 Cgate_map_classA gate_map_t structure contains is a sorted tree of key/value pairs
 Cgate_mapping_classMapping entry base class
 Cgate_memoryblock_tProvides access to plain memory attached to a ref-counted object
 Cgate_memstream_tA stream to read and write from in-memory data
 Cgate_msgqueue_tA message queue registers targets where messages can be sent to and received from
 Cgate_object_tBase type of all GATE C objects
 Cgate_print_value_classStructure holding a pair of GATE_PRINT_* and a pointer to a target type specified by GATE_PRINT_* IDs
 Cgate_process_stream_tA stream object representing the IO pipes to a running process
 Cgate_resourcestream_tA stream that offers access to its internal native resource handles
 Cgate_runnable_tInterface to cover executable (runnable) code
 Cgate_slotlist_classA linear changable field of pointers to changable items of the same types
 Cgate_ssl_session_params_classA set of parameters used to create a TLS/SSL session object
 Cgate_startable_tInterface to start and stop a background operation and to receive its status
 Cgate_strbuilder8_classCharacter (byte) string builder class
 Cgate_stream_tGeneral stream base interface
 Cgate_string8_classCharacter (byte) string class
 Cgate_stringbuffer8_classCharacter (byte) string buffer class
 Cgate_stringstream_tA stream to operate on a gate_strbuilder_t and can be exported as a gate_string_t
 Cgate_task_tInterface to cover asynchronous task execution
 Cgate_value_classVariable value carrier object
 Cgate_variant_tReference-counted wrapper object carrying a instance of a set of supported types
 Cgate_wrapper_tReference-counted wrapper object carrying another object type
 Cgate_wrapper_type_info_classCarries data about a wrapped data type